Play kubernetes with minikube

This document describes how to use minikube on a Mac.

Full Documentation


Docker v17.04.0 Kubernetes CLI v1.6.1

MiniKube v0.16.0 Postgresql v9.6.2 : you may need it to follow the examples.

Install Docker:

brew install docker      


docker version   
docker info    

Install Kubectl:

brew install kubectl


 kubectl version


cd /usr/local/bin  
ln -s ku kubectl

Install Minikube:

 brew install Caskroom/cask/minikube

Start Minikube:

brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve
sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve


minikube start --cpus 2 --memory 2048 --vm-driver xhyve

Find IP address of Minikube

minikube ip

Check the services of Minikube:

minikube service list

Access UI in browser

minikube dashboard
Opening kubernetes dashboard in default browser...

SSH to Minikube

minikube ssh

See Kubernetes logs

minikube logs -f $POD_ID

Stop Minikube

minikube stop
Stopping local Kubernetes cluster...
Machine stopped.

Tips before following the examples:

  • get/watch information:

      kubectl get po,svc,deploy 
      kubectl get po,svc,deploy  -o wide
      kubectl get po --watch
  • secrets environment value should be encoded with Base64.

  • must enable heapster if you want to use auto scaling. And it will take serveral minutes to work.

      minikube addons enable heapster
  • check status of the pod:

      kubectl get po
  • check the log:

      kubectl logs -f POD_ID
  • If deploy was used, you can not delete pod

      kubectl delete po $POD_ID"

    you should use:

      kubectl delete deploy $DEPLOY_ID

How to use the yaml file:

kubectl create -f $NAME.yml
kubectl delete -f $NAME.yml

Example1: services and pod

lab_pod.yml lab_service.yml lab_service_and_pod.yml

Example2: secrets

deploy sequence: secret, db lab_secrets_secret.yml

Example3: auto scaling.

kubectl get hpa   


Example4: Probe


Example5: persistant volume.


Example6: UI–API–DB, a small project

deploy sequence: db, api, ui lab_monitor_db.yml

Chen Xi
Chen Xi
Software Engineer
